RéAL2 network



The first summer school devoted to Statistics in Second Language Research (STAL2) is organised by the Réseau thématique d'Acquisition en Langues Secondes (Réal2) in collaboration with the University of Paris 8, University of Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 and the CNRS.


Location & Dates

The summer school will take place from August 26 to 30, 2024, at the University of Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (Site Saint Charles).


This summer school will offer several workshops in statistics (statistical models, quantitative data analysis, experimental protocols, automatic data processing) aimed at PhD students and experienced researchers whose research focuses on foreign/second language acquisition with an experimental approach. The summer school will feature guest lecturers from a number of European universities, as well as a number of trainers experienced in statistical analysis applied to L1/L2 acquisition data. The content of the workshops will consider beginner and intermediate levels in statistics, and will also include training in the use of several free software packages.


The STAL2 program is designed for PhD students, young/experienced scholars who are unfamiliriazed with inferential statistical analyses and whose research focuses on second language acquisition. Workshops will cover the basics of inferential statistics, as well as the use of most common statistical tests often used in SLA research (chi-square, t-test, ANOVAs, linear regressions, mixed effects models). The summer school aims to learn  automatic data processing techniques  for statistical purposes and via the R/RStudio software. Last but not least, the summer school is designed to encourage exchanges between participants and intructors, to better understand the use of statistical models in L2 acquisition research.

Before pre-registering, it is important that participants familiarise themselves with the workshop content (see the program), so as to assess the relevance of the summer school to their research interests and scientific needs.


If you have any question, feel free to contact Fabian Santiago (fabian.santiago-vargas at univ-paris8.fr)

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